Hot Poc Ecological Hand Warmers (2 units)
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Hot Poc pouches are made to be enjoyed in the outdoors:
- Hockey
- Snowboarding
- Surfing
- Hiking
- Skiing
Peak temperature varies between 50 and 57 ° C.
Generates lasting heat up to 30 minutes.
Lifespan of over 100 uses.
Dimensions of 8 cm x 9 cm.
Mass of 60 g per unit.
The pouch is safely made of PVC and can be in direct contact with the skin, whether or not the Hot Poc is activated.
Please avoid applying the activated Hot Poc directly on a baby’s skin, as they tend to be more sensitive to heat.
The liquid inside the Hot Poc is non-toxic and made of two ingredients: water and acetate sodium, which is a big scientific name for what we commonly call salt. In other words, the solution is simply a super-saturated mixture of salted water.
Metal Disc
This simple, yet essential piece can be considered the heart of the Hot Poc. It is literally a floating piece of metal inside the pouch with one crucial role. When it is bent or “clicked”, its interaction with the liquid triggers the heat reaction for you to enjoy.